People + Leadership Development for Collective Impact
Coaching | Workshops | Courses | Advice
Empowering individuals, teams and communities to thrive through leadership, strategy and collaboration
Empowering purpose and impact-driven businesses and organisations to maximise their impact through strengths-based people and leadership development that help their people thrive, be more engaged in their work and contribute their best
Empowering individuals to create the lives they want through strengths-based coaching and courses that build the confidence, clarity and courage they need to make this a reality

Deehan Leadership Collaborative exists:
• to empower purpose and impact-driven businesses and organisations to maximise the positive impact of their work by helping the individuals within them thrive and contribute their best
• to empower individuals to take control of and create the lives they want by helping them build the confidence, clarity and courage they need to make this a reality
Deehan Leadership Collaborative is a purpose and impact-driven business and is committed to a world where equitable and thriving communities and workplaces are the norm.
1-on-1 and Team Coaching | Workshops | Online Courses | Advice | Speaking
What is a purpose or impact-driven business or organisation?
A purpose-driven business is one that has the aim of producing “profitable solutions to the problems of people and planet". (Professor Colin Mayer)
A purpose and impact-driven organisation could be a social enterprise, a non-profit organisation, a charity, a local or central government organisation.

Click HERE to read more about how we can work together
1-on-1 and Team Coaching | Workshops | Online Courses | Advice | Speaking | CliftonStrengths + Transformative Coaching

Kia ora, dia dhaoibh, hello!
I’m Fi and I’m CEO and everything else at Deehan Leadership Collaborative!
Why the long name when there’s just me?
Because ‘just me’ is not how I work.
Working backwards…
‘Collaborative’ expresses how I work - I partner with my individual clients (you!), other consultants such as Leadership Lab, businesses and organisations (you!) to develop and deliver the best solutions - solutions are ‘done with’, not ‘done to’. Other partners, collaborators and suppliers listed here
‘Leadership’ is our thing. However, not just traditional ways of thinking about leadership in workplaces. Leadership is more than just a title, it is different from management and there are different types of leadership that are important to discuss as they all significantly impact our lives. How we lead ourselves, in our homes, in our communities, with our colleagues, customers and finally, from positions of authority, all impact individual and collective outcomes.
‘Deehan’ - in case I forget my name and who I work for...myself!